Looky, new style! (If you don’t see it, try hard-refreshing your browser)
Those of you who have been following my exploits will know that I was originally planning to write my own all-singing, all-dancing, all-coffee-making blog system from scratch. Then I wussed out and went with WordPress, a decision which (other than for reasons of pride) I haven’t regretted.
My inner developer, however, was not satisfied with my pulling a package down off the great shelf that is the Internet and using that. Besides, I needed the practice at coding (read: working around Internet Explorer’s myriad misimplementations of every standard known to man).
So, enjoy. Please feel free to comment on the new design, as I’m still pretty new to the world of CSS-based design, so any feedback is encouraged.
And you say I always make blue websites 😉 Brilliant work, matey, keep it up!
I like the pastle shades (the header blue actually matches my current background).
Have you tried it without a top-left margin? Also, it might be nice if you could get the “search” feature to fit on only one or two lines, rather than three. It’s a bit chunky as-is, though I am the kinda guy who compresses his toolbars down the the achievable minimum.
Oh, and how about that “Don’t remember my details” checkbox for comments eh? privacy prod
So much for the old privacy prod, hehe.
Ok, privacy button added. Let’s see if it works…
Ok, seems it works
Very nice
I wonder if it should be unchecked by default (opt-in and all that).
Only other ‘niggle tweak’ I can see is maybe making it so that your “HTML Allowed” text starts on a new line, rather than just changing font inline.
Looking nice though