The final stretch
So, after an interminable summer holiday (best described as one week of excitement nestled in 15 weeks of excruciating boredom) I’m back at Queens’ College, Cambridge for my final year. Assuming that I don’t go on to do a PhD, of course. Which, seeing as the part of this year I’m fearing the most is my dissertation, is quite unlikely.
This return will probably have one of two outcomes: either I will post less often due to some fairly heavy work commitments, or I will post more often due to my finely-honed procrastination skills. It’s also possible that these two will precisely cancel each other out, causing me to post with precisely the same frequency as I do currently. We shall see.
Until then, roll on Freshers’ Week!
Freshers’ Week? My good man, come to London, where one can enjoy drum roll please Freshers’ Month. And not only that, but as the University of London is an umberella institution (much like Oxbridge, only different), there are actually events going off at all the separate London universities. Hurrah!
P.S. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll
P.P.S. Why does one enter one’s email when commenting? Is there a notification service for when other comments are added?
I forget to say, I’m sure you’ll ace the course and manage to fit in an addictive amount of gaming et al and keep blogging 😀
Hmmm. Some parts of The University of London aren’t so generous though. I start at Imperial tomorrow, and can look forward to a whole 3 days of freshers activities before the lectures start… Enjoy yourself Fatty, you’ll do fine 😀
Was me coming to stay the week of excitement? Was it, Was it, Was it!!!!! bounces
If you can survive a summer on your own with Mum and Dad you’ll be fine for the rest of this year 😉
Trying to get my details forgotten (testing)