Things to do in the next eight weeks or so:
- Finish dissertation.
- Revise.
- Take exams, preferably getting a First in the process.
- Redesign website.
All this while attempting to keep my brain from melting and dribbling out of my ears. Deep breaths, happy place…
hugs hands Fatty a bowl to catch dribbly brains
You’ll be just fine, matey
Stay calm, stay focused, you can do it 😀
Kind Regads
Cheers guys – with reassurance from Jonty and a brain-bowl from Elly, what can possibly go wrong?
points and laughs
You are sooo not busy. I have to do all that stuff, relocate to Newcastle and write a book!
See, it could be worse!
hi david thompson……whatz with the picture that is connected to your website…..the one that says “Jesus did it for the chicks”…..that is absoulutely outrageous…..Jesus died for you on the cross and thatz the kind of picture you attach to your website….you seriously have issues…and i’ll pray for you because that’s just sick…’ve got issues….and unless you ask God to forgive you…….you have know future ahead of you……i feel sorry for you…because…a life without Jesus is no life at all….i hope Jesus opens your eyes one day….